Hilma – The Support Centre for Immigrant Persons with Disabilities and long-term Illnesses, promotes the rights and equal participation opportunities of disabled and chronically ill immigrants in Finnish society.
Our services are free of charge. We provide service in all languages, via an interpreter when necessary.
Telephone: 044 9016 101
Languages: Finnish, English, Swedish. Other languages with an interpreter.
Standard call charges apply. If we are momentarily unable to take the call, we will call you back. We can also call you back to cover the cost of the call.
Email: info(at)tukikeskushilma.fi
We offer consultation and training services to organisations and authorities.
Service guide for disabled immigrants (pdf) (the link opens in a new tab)
Useful links:
Info Bank for immigrants – information on Finnish society and services (the link opens in a new tab)
Kela – information on social services and benefits (the link opens in a new tab)
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